The 13 task types.

This is a short description of the tasks that you find in the software of English Exam Tasks.
The same instructions can be found in the software as well.

Gapped Text

There is a text with gaps. Think of the grammatical word that best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

Missing Words

There is a text with gaps. Find a suitable word for each gap from the list to complete it. There are 13 words, but you will need only 10. Use each word only once.

Missing Sentences

Sentences are missing from a text. Find the one that best suits each gap from a list of sentences. You won’t need one of them.


Read the text and answer the questions the follow it. Give short answers. Sometimes, the answer is only one word, but never use more than a few words. You don’t have to write whole sentences.

Multiple Choice Vocabulary

There is a text with gaps. You need to fill each gap with one suitable word. Decide which word (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.

Word Formation

There is a text with gaps. Use the words at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Write your answers in the boxes.

Key Word Transformation

There are two sentences. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in CAPITAL without changing it in any way. The 2nd sentence must be similar in meaning to the original one. You must use between two and five words, including the word in CAPITAL.


There is a text. In most of the lines, there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in the context. Some lines, however, are correct. Leave the box next to the line empty if the line is correct. If there’s an extra word in the line, write it in the box.


Read the four sections of a text and look at the eight statements that follow. Decide which section (A, B, C or D) each statement (1 – 8) refers to. For each statement, write one letter in the answer box. You will need to use some of the letters more than once.

Multiple Choice Close

Read the text here and complete the sentences that follow it.
For each sentence choose one ending (A, B, C or D). There are questions to answer in some cases. There is only one good solution.

Listening Notes

You will hear a text twice. Read the task beforehand. You will have one minute for that. Then, listen to the text and make notes in English. Give short answers. The correct answer is sometimes only one word, but never more than a few words. You do not have to write whole sentences.
After the first listening, you will have one minute to answer. After the second listening, you will have two minutes to finalise your answers.

Listening True or False

You will hear a text twice. Read the ten statements beforehand.
You will have one minute for that. Then, listen to the text and decide if the statements are true or false. After the first listening, you will have one minute to answer. After the second listening, you will have one minute to finalise your answers.

Listening Multiple Choice

You will hear a text twice. Read the task beforehand. You will have one minute for that.
Then, listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
After the first listening, you will have one minute to choose the correct answer.
After the second listening, you will have one minute to finalise your answers.